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Acid soil and alkaline soil how to apply fertilizer effect is good?
The acidity and alkalinity of the soil will directly affect the effect of soil fertilization, the effectiveness of fertilizer elements in the soil, and the absorption of fertilizer nutrients by crops.

First, the basic knowledge of soil acidity and alkalinity

The acidity and alkalinity of the soil (collectively acidic and alkaline) are generally measured by the PH, which is expressed by a specific pH number. The acid-alkalinity of soil is generally divided into extremely acidic (PH below 4.5), strong acidic (PH 4.5-5.5), acidic (PH 5-6), weakly acidic (PH 6-6.5), neutral (PH 6.5-7), weakly alkaline (PH 7-7.5), alkaline (PH 7.5-8.5), and strongly alkaline (PH 8.5-9) 5), extremely alkaline (PH value above 9.5) these 9 grades.

Second, how to simply determine whether their own farmland is acidic soil or alkaline soil?

1, PH test paper method or PH test stick

2, according to the soil type and soil color roughly judge the soil acid and alkali

The type of acidic soil: red loam, yellow loam, brown loam, brown soil (or gray brown soil) and other soil types are mostly acidic soil, acidic soil looks generally red, yellow, brown, brown and other colors (acidic soil is mostly dark soil), and the surface of the acidic soil looks more "dirty", in addition, the soil with moss is mostly caused by soil acidification. Types of alkaline soil: yellow spongy soil, brown calcium soil, chestnut soil, black brown soil, saline-alkali soil and other soils are mostly alkaline soil, alkaline soil looks roughly yellow, white, yellow white and other colors (alkaline soil is mostly light-colored soil), and the surface of alkaline soil looks relatively "clean".

3, according to the soil water seepage state after watering roughly judge the soil acid and alkali

Generally speaking, after watering the soil in the field, all the soil surface does not take white bubbles/white foam, the soil seepage speed is relatively fast and it is not easy to crack after watering, the vast majority of acidic soil, and all the soil surface has a large number of white bubbles/white foam emergence, the soil seepage speed is relatively slow and easy to crack after watering, the vast majority of alkaline soil.

4, according to the touch of the soil roughly judge the soil acid and alkali

Generally speaking, the loose permeability of acidic soil is relatively good, holding acidic soil in the hand mostly has a soft and fluffy soil feeling, and the soil is easy to disperse naturally after letting go; The porous permeability of alkaline soil is relatively poor, holding alkaline soil in the hand will have a relatively hard soil feeling, and the soil is not easy to disperse naturally after letting go.

Third, on the adjustment and improvement of acidic soil and alkaline soil and correct fertilization methods

Fertilization techniques in acid soil

Mature organic fertilizer and farm fertilizer: In the acid soil fertilization, the primary task is to adjust the pH of the soil. Increasing the application of decomposed organic fertilizer and farm manure is one of the effective means. These organic materials can not only neutralize soil acidity, but also activate soil structure, increase the number of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, and provide comprehensive nutritional support for crops. The introduction of Organic Fertilizer Production Line ensures an efficient and stable supply of organic fertilizer to meet the needs of acid soil improvement.

Quicklime and plant ash: In order to further reduce the acidity of the soil, 40-50 kilograms of quicklime or plant ash can be applied per mu in the base fertilizer. Fertilizer Granulator equipment, such as Rotary Drum Granulator and Disc Granulator, can mix these alkaline substances with other fertilizer raw materials during the production process to make granular fertilizer that is easy to apply and store, improving fertilization efficiency.

Selection of alkaline fertilizers: On acidic soil, acidic fertilizers should be avoided, and alkaline fertilizers such as calcium-magnesium phosphate fertilizer, silica-calcium fertilizer, and ammonium bicarbonate should be used more. NPK Fertilizer Production Line can flexibly adjust the fertilizer formula according to the soil needs, and produce a compound fertilizer suitable for acidic soil to provide balanced nutrition for crops.

Supplementation of potassium and calcium fertilizer: Since potassium and calcium ions are easily lost in acidic soil, the amount of these two elements should be appropriately increased when fertilizing. The Fertilizer Granules Compaction Machine and the Disc Granulator in the fertilizer granulator series can ensure the uniform mixing and forming of potassium and calcium fertilizers, and improve the utilization rate of fertilizers.

Fertilization techniques in alkaline soil

Decomposed organic fertilizer and straw returning to the field: Similar to acidic soil, alkaline soil also needs to improve soil structure and reduce soil alkalinity by adding decomposed organic fertilizer or straw to the field. The continuous operation of Organic Fertilizer Production Line provides a rich source of organic matter for alkaline soil and contributes to the balance of soil pH.

Application of gypsum: On alkaline soil, 40-50 kilograms of gypsum (the main component is calcium sulfate) can be applied per mu to increase the acidity of the soil and reduce the alkaline. Fertilizer production equipment such as Rotary Drum Granulator can mix gypsum with other acidic fertilizer raw materials for granulation, which is easy to apply.

Selection of acidic fertilizers: When applying fertilizer on alkaline soil, acid fertilizers such as superphosphate, diammonium phosphate and potassium sulfate should be used more. The flexible formulation adjustment ability of the NPK Fertilizer Production Line makes the compound fertilizer produced to meet the specific needs of alkaline soil.

Deep application of nitrogen fertilizer: In alkaline soil, nitrogen fertilizer (especially ammonium nitrogen fertilizer) is easy to volatilize and lose. Therefore, deep application methods such as hole application and ditch application should be used to reduce the volatilization of ammonia gas. Because of its shape and density, granular nitrogen fertilizer produced by Flat-Die Pellet Machine and other equipment is more suitable for deep application and improves the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer.

Supplement of trace elements: alkaline soil is easy to cause crop deficiency of molybdenum, zinc, iron and other trace elements. In the process of crop growth, leaf fertilizer containing these elements should be supplemented in time. Bulk blending fertilizer production line can efficiently mix a variety of trace element fertilizers to provide comprehensive nutritional support for crops.