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Advanced granulation process: Synergistic effect of Disc Granulation and Double Roller Press Granulator
 In the field of granulation technology, we have ushered in an unprecedented innovation - the perfect collaboration between the Disc Granulator (Pan Granulator) and the Double Roller Press Granulator. This innovative combination not only integrates the initial molding advantages of the Disc Granulator (Pan Granulator), but also gives full play to the fine processing capabilities of the Double Roller Press Granulator to jointly create high-quality organic fertilizer particles.


Disc Granulator (Pan Granulator), with its efficient rotary forming technology, easily converts powdery materials into uniform particles, laying a solid foundation for subsequent densification treatment. The Double Roller Press Granulator, with its powerful pressure system, performs fine processing of the preliminary formed particles to further improve the density and durability of the particles, ensuring that each particle can meet the top standards in the market.

The two work together to not only improve production efficiency, but also greatly optimize the molding effect of the particles, making the final product more in line with market demand. This synergistic effect, to a certain extent, has exceeded the single function of the traditional Organic Fertilizer Double Die Pelleting Machine, and achieved a comprehensive upgrade of the granulation process.

We know that in the pursuit of high production, environmental protection and energy consumption are equally important. Therefore, our equipment design is fully integrated into the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection, ensuring that while improving production efficiency, it can also contribute to the earth's environment.

When you choose our granulation solutions, you choose a comprehensive service that integrates efficiency, environmental protection and excellent quality. Let us go hand in hand to jointly promote the green development of modern agriculture and contribute to the construction of a better ecological environment!