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Chicken manure treatment organic fertilizer equipment process flow 7 steps
In modern agricultural production, the conversion of chicken manure into organic fertilizer is an important work that is both environmentally friendly and economical. This not only reduces environmental pollution, but also provides valuable nutrients for farmland. This paper will introduce in detail the seven key steps of chicken manure treatment into organic fertilizer, as well as the key words involved in the equipment.

Step 1: Raw material collection and pretreatment

First, we need to collect fresh chicken manure and conduct preliminary screening and decontamination. This step ensures the smooth progress of the subsequent treatment process and also lays the foundation for improving the quality of the fertilizer.

Step 2: Compost and turn the pile

Next, pile the pre-treated chicken manure into strips and use the Windrow Compost Turning Machine to turn the piles. This process increases oxygen and speeds up the breakdown of organic matter while reducing undesirable odors.

Step 3: Crushing treatment

The chicken manure that has been turned over needs to be crushed to facilitate subsequent mixing and granulation. The Compost Crusher is used here.It can crush the material to the appropriate particle size.

Step 4: Mix and stir

The crushed material will be mixed with other organic or inorganic additives to ensure the nutrient balance of the fertilizer. A Horizontal Ribbon Mixer or a Double Shafts Paddles Mixer are commonly used in this process to ensure that the material is mixed evenly.

Step 5: Granulation molding

The evenly mixed material will enter the granulation stage. The Flat-Die Pellet Machine or Rotary Drum Granulator in the Organic Fertilizer Production Line can granulate the material for subsequent drying and packaging.

Step 6: Drying and cooling

Freshly granulated fertilizer usually contains high moisture and needs to be dried by Rotary Dryer Machine and then cooled to room temperature in Rotary Cooler Machine to ensure the stability of fertilizer and easy storage.

Step 7: Screening and packaging

Finally, the dried and cooled fertilizer particles are screened by Rotary Screening Machine, unqualified particles are removed, and packaged according to specifications, and finally formed into commercial organic fertilizers sold on the market.

Through these seven steps, chicken manure is transformed into an efficient organic fertilizer that provides important nutrient support for agricultural production. This process not only reflects the advanced concept of agricultural waste resources, but also shows the important role of modern agricultural equipment in agricultural production.