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The secret behind durian fragrance: Organic fertilizer granulation technology to improve fruit quality

In the tropical orchards of Southeast Asia, durian has won the reputation of "King of fruits" for its unique aroma and rich nutrition. However, the high quality of durian is not only dependent on the unique natural conditions, but also on modern agricultural technology, especially the application of organic fertilizer granulation technology.


Organic Fertilizer Production Line plays a vital role in durian cultivation. The organic fertilizer produced through this production line can provide the durian tree with comprehensive nutrition, including essential mineral elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as organic matter, thereby promoting the healthy growth of the durian tree and the formation of high-quality fruit.

In organic Fertilizer granulation technology, Fertilizer Granules Compaction Machine plays an irreplaceable role. It extrudes organic fertilizers into pellets by physical methods, which not only facilitates the storage and transportation of fertilizers, but also improves the utilization rate and application effect of fertilizers. The organic fertilizer after extruded granulation has uniform particles and compact structure, which is more conducive to the absorption of the roots of durian tree.

In addition, the Horizontal Ribbon Mixer plays a key role in the production of organic fertilizers. It ensures the quality and effect of organic fertilizer by evenly mixing various raw materials. The design of this mixer helps to evenly mix the raw materials, avoiding the problem of local too wet or too dry, thus ensuring the stability and consistency of the organic fertilizer.

Finally, organic fertilizers usually need to be screened by a Rotary Screening Machine before application to ensure that the fertilizer particles are uniform in size and suitable for the growth needs of the durian tree. The use of screening machine improves the application quality of fertilizer and avoids the problem that the fertilizer effect is affected by too large or too small particles.

Through the application of these advanced organic fertilizer granulation technologies and equipment, the yield and quality of durian have been significantly improved. Organic fertilizers not only improve the fertility of the soil, but also help improve the taste and nutritional value of the durian fruit, making it a shining pearl in Southeast Asia's green revolution. With the continuous development and improvement of organic fertilizer granulation technology, we have reason to believe that durian, the "king of fruits", will exude more charming charm in the future.