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Which three elements of fertilizer are the most important for high yield of crops?
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the three elements of crop fertilizer

1, function: nitrogen fertilizer is the largest demand in agricultural production of fertilizer varieties, it is a component of plant protein and chlorophyll, to improve crop yield, improve the quality of agricultural products have an important role, so that the plant body growth, tillering fast, full ear, high yield.

2, nitrogen deficiency symptoms: crop plants are short, thin, leaves are yellow green, yellow orange and other abnormal green, serious old leaves almost yellow, and even dry death; Less root branching.

3, excessive harm: the cell growth is too large, the cell wall is thin, the cell is juicy, the plant is soft, and it is vulnerable to mechanical damage and bacterial invasion.


1, Function: Phosphorus is an important component of plant nucleus, it has an important role in cell division and the differentiation and development of plant organs and tissues, especially flowering and fruit, phosphorus in the plant body is mainly concentrated in the seeds of the plant, the seeds store more phosphorus, which is conducive to the healthy growth of early seedlings. Phosphorus also plays a good role in improving the resistance, cold resistance and drought resistance of plants. Phosphorus also plays a role in promoting the development of roots, especially lateral roots and fine roots.

2, phosphorus deficiency symptoms: plant growth is slow, short and thin, upright, less branching, small leaves easy to fall off, general color, dark green or gray green, leaf margins and petiole often appear purple red. Poor root development, late flowering, small fruiting, delayed maturity, reduced yield and quality.

3, excessive harm: make crops absorb too much phosphorus nutrition from the soil, promote crop respiration is too strong, resulting in premature development of reproductive organs, causing premature crop maturity, small seeds, low yield.


1. Effect: Potassium fertilizer can promote photosynthesis of crops, promote crop fruit and improve the cold resistance, disease resistance and lodging resistance of crops, so as to improve agricultural yield.

2, potassium deficiency symptoms: potassium deficiency crops are usually old leaves and leaves green yellow, and then brown, scorched like burning. Brown spots or patches appear on the leaves, but the middle of the leaves, veins and near veins are still green. As the degree of potassium deficiency intensifies, the whole leaf becomes reddish brown or dry, and necrosis falls off. The root system is short and small, which is prone to premature aging and decay in severe cases.

3, excessive harm: it will cause a decrease in the absorption of cations such as calcium and magnesium, resulting in leaf vegetables "rot heart", apple "bitter pox", etc., and will also weaken the production capacity of crops.

Element formula

No light bears no fruit,
No trees grow without water,
No growth without nitrogen,
It's hard to flower without phosphorus,
Hard to color without potassium,
No boron can not bear fruit,
Iron deficiency new leaf yellow,
Magnesium deficiency old leaf death,
Calcium deficiency black spots.
The introduction of secondary granulation technology

Fertilizer Granules Compaction Machine

The Fertilizer Granules Compaction Machine performs well in the manufacture of NPK composite fertilizers because it efficiently extrudes raw material powders containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium between two rolls rotating in opposite ways to form uniform particles. This granulation method is particularly suitable for fertilizer formulations that require high compression to improve particle strength and fluidity. The grain shape of the Fertilizer Granules Compaction Machine is regular, and the density is large, which is conducive to the storage, transportation and application of fertilizer. At the same time, the machine can flexibly adjust the pressure between the rolls to meet the needs of different formulations.

Rotary Drum Granulator

The Rotary Drum Granulator is one of the common equipment in the production line of NPK compound fertilizer. It makes use of the special environment and movement trajectory formed inside the rotating drum, so that the raw material powder continues to roll, collide, bond in the drum, and finally form particles. This method is especially suitable for fertilizer formulations that require a certain humidity and rolling time to promote particle formation. The Rotary Drum Granulator has high production efficiency, can work continuously, and the particle size can be controlled by adjusting the drum speed, Angle and humidity parameters, which is very suitable for large-scale production.

Disc Granulator

The Disc Granulator is another type of equipment commonly used in the production of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium complex fertilizers. It uses the centrifugal force generated by the rotating disc to throw the raw material powder towards the edge of the disc and form a thin layer of material on the surface of the disc. With the continuous rotation of the disc, the powder particles in the material layer gradually bond into larger particles. The Disc Granulator is simple to operate and easy to control the size and shape of the particles. At the same time, it can optimize particle quality by adjusting parameters such as disc speed, tilt Angle and material humidity, and is suitable for a variety of different fertilizer formulations.

NPK Fertilizer Production Line

NPK Fertilizer Production Line usually integrate the above various granulators and other auxiliary equipment (such as mixers, dryers, screening machines, etc.) to achieve the full automatic production from raw material ratio, mixing, granulation to drying, screening, packaging. Such a production line not only improves the production efficiency, but also ensures the quality stability and consistency of the fertilizer. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium composite fertilizer production line can flexibly adjust the production formula to meet the needs of different crops for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements. At the same time, by optimizing the production process and equipment configuration, production costs can be significantly reduced and economic benefits can be improved.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as the three elements of crop growth, are indispensable in agricultural production. The introduction of modern granulation technology has brought about a qualitative leap in the production of NPK compound fertilizer.