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Why does the state vigorously promote the implementation of formula fertilizer?
Formulated fertilizer, as the name suggests, is a fertilizer tailored to the specific needs of crop growth and soil characteristics. It is different from the traditional universal fertilizer, but the scientific proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other major nutrients and trace elements, in order to maximize the precise needs of crops in various growth stages of nutrients. The state vigorously promotes the implementation of formula fertilizer, aiming to improve agricultural production efficiency, reduce environmental pollution caused by excessive use of fertilizer, and promote sustainable development of agriculture.

In Xinle fruit industry base, this concept has been deeply practiced. Shinjaku Fruit industry base mainly conducts greenhouse cultivation of a variety of vegetables and fruits, mainly grapes and peaches imported from Japan. Whether it is a variety of vegetables and fruits in the greenhouse cultivation of grapes or peaches, through precise water and fertilizer management to improve quality and yield. In grape management, the early growth of grapes needs support, and now the important thing is water and fertilizer management. For every 1000kg of fruit produced, 6kg of nitrogen, 3kg of phosphorus, and 6-7kg of potassium are required. These nutrients need to be supplied to the desired branches. Each grape plant can produce about 200 bunches of grapes per year, and each bunch needs 18 leaves to supply nutrients. In accordance with these experiences, fertilizer management.

At the same time, the root field fertilization was carried out in the base, and the grapes were mainly framed, with the purpose of limiting the grape roots to a certain area for water and fertilizer management.

Peach management pays more attention to soil improvement and the application of organic fertilizer. The peach in the park adopts strip fertilization, does not apply chemical fertilizer, but uses organic fertilizer as the base fertilizer, and uses drip irrigation to supplement amino acids. The method of strip fertilization, combined with the regular measurement of soil nutrient content, provided proper nutritional support for the growth of peach.
The park uses a special formula to configure the fertilizer, mix the fertilizer and loosen the soil, apply the fertilizer so that the two are fully mixed, and press the fertilizer through irrigation. The soil here was very sticky five years ago and was improved by buying raw soil every year and mixing it into nutrient soil. And through the application of organic fertilizer, the soil structure was improved and the soil fertility was enhanced.
Peach growth in the early stage of the large amount of nitrogen, the later needs a large amount of potassium, the need for special instruments to determine the nutrient content in the soil.
In the process of production practice, the daily management is mainly water and fertilizer and pest management. Among them, pests and diseases are easy to control because of the regularity, and the water and fertilizer situation is difficult to master because of the difference from year to year.

In addition, Xinle fruit industry base also established a livestock manure collection and treatment center, livestock manure collection and treatment center after recycling livestock manure, harmless treatment, and then processed into organic special fertilizer, nutrient content is 5%-49%.

The fertilizer resources of the base are further enriched and the recycling of resources is realized.

(1) Disc Granulator

Disc Granulator needs to pay attention to the size and inclination of the disk, add water during the granulation process, and add a certain binder to the formula to promote granulation. The granulation requirement is that the mechanical strength is guaranteed after stacking, and the particle size is greater than 80%.

(2) Screening and drying

In order to meet the requirements, the particles formed after granulation must be screened and the particle size is controlled to be 2-4mm. Screening drum two-layer screen, the upper large aperture (4mm), for the vibration screen, the lower small aperture (2mm), for the static screen. Particles larger than 4mm or smaller than 2mm must be re-granulated. The smaller the return amount, the higher the granulation efficiency. The quality of granulation depends on the particle size, surface finish, etc. Smooth surface is easy to save the amount of coating material.

After screening, the particles need to be dried due to their large moisture content. There is a rotary drum for drying, which passes hot air when drying and cold air when cooling.

(3) Spray coating

This process is a key technology that allows the fertilizer to be released slowly and prevents the fertilizer from clumping. The film is sprayed by hand, and the price of the coating material amine sheet is 20,000 yuan/ton, and the production of each ton of special organic fertilizer consumes 0.5kg of film material. The film material must be thin and uniform on the particle surface.

(4) In addition, there are extrusion granulation, roll granulation (Fertilizer Granules Compaction Machine)and other granulation methods to form a cylindrical organic fertilizer with low water content.

(5) harmless treatment

Before the production of organic fertilizer, such as granulation, the recycled livestock and poultry manure needs to be treated harmlessly, such as fermentation.

The main pollutants in livestock and poultry feces were heavy metals, Escherichia coli, and ascarid eggs. Harmless treatment can reduce the odor of feces and kill harmful organisms.

Aerobic composting and fermentation is carried out by using strip fermentation, which is piled into long strips on the fermentation site and regularly turned by a Compost Turning Machine, which is conducive to aerobic fermentation.

Organic fertilizer raw materials and rice chaff, etc., are used for incorporation to increase fertilizer permeability.

From Disc Granulator, to screening and drying, to coating, each process reflects the strict requirements for fertilizer quality and performance. In particular, the application of spraying coating technology gives the fertilizer slow-release and anti-caking properties, so that the fertilizer can continuously and stably release nutrients in the soil, providing lasting power for crop growth.