1. Feed preparation and adding bacteria: the pig manure
organic fertilizer production line should prepare the manure to be fermented, the better is fresh pig manure (the fermentation effect of fresh manure is better than that of old manure), for example, about 1 ton of fresh pig manure plus 0.25 kg pig manure fermentation agent. The pig manure starter should be mixed with rice bran (or corn flour, wheat bran) in the ratio of 1:5-10.
2. Construction of pig manure pile: the prepared pig manure should be built while spreading bacteria. The pile height and volume should not be too low or too small. Requirements: pile height 1.5-2 m, width 2 m, length unlimited.
3. Adjust moisture. The moisture content of fermented pig manure should be controlled at 40-65%. Moisture judgment: hold a handful of pig manure tightly, see the watermark but do not drip, and disperse immediately after landing. Less water, slow fermentation, more water, poor ventilation, will also lead to "spoilage bacteria" work and produce odor, therefore, we must grasp the moisture content.
4. Start up temperature. The start-up temperature of
organic fertilizer production should be above 15 ℃ (it can be operated in four seasons, not affected by seasons, and should be fermented indoors or in greenhouse as far as possible in winter), and the fermentation temperature should be controlled below 70-75 ℃.
5. Mix well and ventilate. Pig manure starter needs good (consumption) oxygen fermentation, therefore, in the process of preparation, oxygen supply measures should be increased, and it is appropriate to mix well, turn frequently and ventilate. Otherwise, it will lead to anaerobic fermentation and produce odor, which will affect the effect of fertilizer.
6. The fermentation was completed. Generally, after 48 hours of pig manure accumulation, the temperature rises to 50-60 ℃, and it can reach 65 ℃ or above on the third day. Under this high temperature, it needs to be overturned once. Generally, the fermentation process will have two times of high temperature above 65 ℃. The fermentation can be completed after two times of overturning, and the fermentation can be completed within one week. The material was dark brown, and the temperature began to drop to normal temperature, indicating that the fermentation was completed.